Theresa Lucas

Theresa Lucas

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Drink This Much In Regards To Your Body Weight

photo credit: Getty Images

I am so guilty of letting myself down, even when I tell myself I know it's good for me! They say about 10 glasses of water every day?

  • We’ve heard it over and over…we need to drink more water. Experts say we should drink half our bodyweight in ounces. So a 160 pound person should drink 80 ounces a day…or about 10 cups. Why do we fall short? We forget, or water is tasteless and boring. There are a few things you can do to make it better. Substitute herbal tea, or flavor your water with a splash of juice or make flavored ice cubes. Or, just nibble on melons, oranges, grapes…anything with high water content. Also get a clear water bottle…it might motivate you by watching how much you’re drinking.  

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