A former high school football powerhouse in LA, which has won multiple state championships, might not be able to field a team this upcoming season!
Crenshaw High School…on 11th Avenue…right off Crenshaw Blvd…may not have enough players to play a football season.
The number of players cleared to participate this year has dipped below the level needed to field a football team.
In this high school’s case… enrollment has dropped below 500 students and only 12-15 joined the football team.
The interest and passion isn’t there…PLUS…more parents have decided tackle football is not for their kids…so they aren’t starting them at a young age.
Crenshaw has produced more than two dozen NFL players including current Chargers linebacker Daiyan Henley.
The school remains hopeful the season can still be played as scheduled…but has it really come down to begging kids to play sports?
Their first game is scheduled for Friday against Fairfax.