Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning Show is on air from 5am-10am. Valentine, Jill and Jon Comouche are the morning show.


Tropicana Released A Toothpaste That Won't Ruin The Taste Of Orange Juice!

Hurricane-Damaged Citrus Crop Leads To Higher Juice Prices

Photo: Getty Images North America

It's no secret that you can't drink orange juice right after you brush your teeth because the taste is just awful. Well, the experts at Tropicana have finally come up with a solution so orange juice fans will be able to enjoy a nice glass of OJ after you brush your teeth with no problem. The solution is the brand new Tropicana Toothpaste. According to a Tropicana spokesperson,

"We worked closely with research and development partner Dynamic Blending Specialists to bring this toothpaste to life, from the initial concept to product development, production, and finally reality. Tropicana Toothpaste is different from other toothpaste because it was specifically designed to protect the delicious taste of orange juice. It does not include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as an ingredient, a cleaning agent prevalent in toothpaste that contributes to the bitter aftertaste from brushing your teeth with toothpaste and then drinking OJ."

The new limited-edition toothpaste is available now, but won't be available to buy. Instead, Tropicana writes that "consumers are encouraged to comment on Tropicana's Instagram page and may just receive a fresh surprise."

Would you try this toothpaste?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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