Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning Show is on air from 5am-10am. Valentine, Jill and Jon Comouche are the morning show.


Lancaster's New Ordinance Makes It A Misdemeanor To Violate Mask Order!

As coronavirus cases continue to rise in California, Lancaster officials decided to take things into their own hands by approving an ordinance authorizing enforcement of the city’s mask requirement. A requirement to wear face coverings in public has been in effect in Lancaster since April 3rd, but this new ordinance will make it a misdemeanor to violate the measure. According to the ordinance, a misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000, up to six months in jail, or both.

Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a press release,

“The goal of this ordinance, and of our law enforcement in Lancaster in general, is to promote peace, safety, and public welfare in our communities. While I would hope everyone knows by now the importance of wearing a mask, the fact that violations are now misdemeanors is one more reason to do the right thing and mask up. I know we all wish that the pandemic was over, but the fact is that COVID-19 is still here, and the numbers are getting alarmingly worse as we head into winter. Wearing a mask is the simplest, easiest thing we can each do to help fight this disease.”

Do you think this is taking things too far or do you think more cities should do this?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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