The second you hear the name Ryan Tedder, you'll instantly know the name from either OneRepublic, Songland, or from one of the many songs he wrote/produced that you hear on your radio every day!
Ryan stopped by Valentine In The Morning where talked about everything from the OneRepublic hiatus, Songland, the Jonas Brothers, and so much more!
Valentine just got back from his vacation in Alaska and Ryan ended up sharing a story from the time OneRepublic performed in Alaska that made him never want to travel in a single-engine plane ever again.
He says single-engine planes already terrify him so everyone had to convince him to get on one in Alaska considering that's the only way to travel and he said his manager had to calm him down!
Once he got to the show, he said it was one of the best crowds because of their energy.
The most recent track that OneRepublic released was "Rescue Me" and Ryan says that this is the first time they promoted something since the end of 2016/early 2017.
He continued to talk about his mental health saying he just needed a break because he was burning out from working on music, doing promo, and touring nonstop that he was starting to hate music and he never wants to be in a place where he hates what he loves.
He further explained that he's been doing it for so long that he has to look at photos of his oldest son just turned 9 to know what happened in the first 5 years of his life because he wasn't there.
Ryan says he got to the point where he's not focused on the regret of not being there for his son growing up because he was focused on living out his dream and he's focusing on the present.
He hopes that his son will look back on the concert footage and find it inspiring.
Ryan says that he's currently such a good place in his life right now because he was able to take the time and focus on his loved ones, which is the reason he's able to write new OneRepublic music today.
He is currently one of the judges/producers on the hit NBC songwriting competition show and the way it came about was because Adam Levine originally wanted to leave The Voice 4 years ago.
NBC asked Ryan if he wanted to be one of the judges to give Adam a break, but before he could even give his response, NBC called back and said never mind.
However, they told him that they have a show that would be better for him that would be more up his ally that turned out to be Songland.
Ryan continues to always surprise us because he's always working on something.
He's currently working on a TV show on Nickelodeon that's music based that's funny for both parents and the kids.
The pilot is already done and the goal is to start shooting in December.
He describes the show as the element of the show Glee, but with all original songs.
Ryan has been working on stuff with a lot of artists like 5SOS, Charlie Puth, and of course Jonas Brothers.
For all of our fellow Jonas fans out there, Ryan is basically in the band at this point, but he exclusively revealed to Valentine that new Jonas music is coming in the next 3 weeks.
There's 2 songs coming and they're both collaborations (one is a guy and one is a girl).
He didn't want to tell us too much, but he left us with the tease that the Jonas Brothers collaboration with the girl is someone that has been "interspersed in the Jonas world for the past few months."
OneRepublic fans can expect a new music video for the guys, but did you know Ryan wrote the new single "Rescue Me" in less than 10 minutes?!
You can check out the entire Ryan Tedder interview below:
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