Here’s a foolproof way to get the perfect beach body: Just buy it online.
Chinese e-bazaars are now selling hyper-realistic muscle suits that make people look ripped without leaving the sofa.
For upward of $100, you can purchase a Smitizen brand silicone bodysuit so realistic-looking, it evokes a “Terminator” human-skin suit, the “Daily Mail” reports.
That’s because, unlike the polyester muscle suits worn for Halloween, these wearable beach bodies are made from 100% medical-grade silicone. The swoll-inducing body skins come as either upper-, lower- or full-body casts, depending on which body parts need embellishment.
Other vendors also are selling an upper-torso version of a bodybuilder suit for just under $200 on sites including Aliexpress and eBay. Dubbed the “Chest Vest Enhancement Cosplay Suit,” the costume doesn’t cover the arms, so customers might want to do some bicep curls before purchasing.