Toby Knapp

Toby Knapp

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POLL: And the MOST ADMIRED PEOPLE in the US are... and #TobysTake on it!


#TobysTake - Michelle Obama is a force, and since the end of her husband's presidency, she's become an even more powerful advocate for the causes she believes in. Her book is great, too.  Former POTUS Barack Obama has been the most admired person for eleven years, so this is familiar territory for the ex-Prez... and it's well earned and deserved. It's also important to note the other people - men and women - on the list, including President Trump, the Pope, Oprah, Melania Trump and HIllary Clinton - and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - so click the link above and give it a read. It's a telling list when it comes to our pop culture world today. 

Here's the story... 

They might not be in the White House any more, but Michelle and Barack Obama are America's most admired man and woman, according to a new Gallup poll published Thursday.

Former President Obama topped the list for the most admired man for the 11th straight year, but for Michelle, this was a first. She had been second to Hillary Clinton for the past three years, but with a best-selling memoir recently published and a publicity tour to promote it, she's been high profile lately. Clinton, who has been relatively low profile since losing the presidential election to Donald Trump, had topped the list for 16 consecutive years.

Gallup did phone interviews with a random sample of 1,025 Americans between December 3rd and 12th.

In the polling for the most-admired woman, Michelle Obama took 15 percent of the vote, while five percent picked Oprah Winfrey. Clinton and first lady Melania Trump were deadlocked in third with four percent of the vote.

With the men, Obama took 19 percent, while Trump was second with 13 percent and George W. Bush and Pope Francis tied for third with two percent. 

(Yahoo News)

Photos: Getty 

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