The Boxer Show

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Randoms-Gowns for Good, Grocery Store Anxiety, & More!


  • Adopt a Shelter Pet Day: There are pets in the shelter just waiting for you …
  • Honesty Day: A good day to tell the truth. So, anything you want to confess of get off your chest?
  • Oatmeal Cookie Day: More baking!
  • Hairdresser Appreciation Day: Oh, we appreciate them … now more than ever.

Gowns for good …The Class of 2020, both college and high school, is sadly getting cheated this year, but they aren’t letting it get them down. Instead, they are paying it forward by donating their graduation gowns to healthcare workers to be transformed into PPE. Nathaniel Moore, an emergency medicine physician assistant in Vermont, knew thousands of graduation gowns would go unused this year, so he started the non-profit Gowns4Good, which takes donated gowns from across the country and turns them into CDC-approved protective gear. Moore told Good Morning America, "The beauty is they do not have to be adjusted in any fashion. We compared them to other alternative forms that are being utilized, like trash bags, and the gown, if you wear it backwards, it makes for easy donning and doffing, which is the putting on and taking off of the gown in a protected fashion." If you have a gown you’d like to donate, check out the Gowns4Good website or contact your local hospital or assisted living facility. 

In it for the long run …A Girl Scout leader in Southern California went the extra mile for the girls in her troop – by running 46 miles in one day to visit every single one of them. Tandy Wilson was disappointed when her plan to run the Boston Marathon was derailed by the event's cancellation this year. But she rebounded by mapping out a route to all 52 girls’ homes, a run that took her more than 11 hours. The girls followed her progress on a running app, and were able to come out to greet her – from a distance – when she got to their homes. 11-year-old Maya Magana, who greeted Wilson on her family's lawn, said "I feel so happy and inspired. She is an amazing leader and I know she is doing it for us." (A Mighty Girl)

Movie popcorn to go …You’ve heard that some restaurants are turning their parking lots into drive-in movie theaters … and now actual movie theaters are turning their business into snack shops. Many theaters across the country have started selling popcorn and other snacks that customers order online and then pick up curbside. (Food and Wine)

Has going to the grocery store been a source of anxiety for you? You’re not alone. According to a recent article in theWashington Post, grocery store anxiety is a very real -- and very common -- condition nowadays. Everything from anxiety over getting the supplies you need, to anxiety over potential exposure to the virus puts everyone on edge -- making something as simple as a quick trip to pick up milk and eggs much more stressful. (The Takeout)

Have you taken the #Wineglasschallenge?It’s the latest challenge trending on social media – and it could get messy. You get someone to sit behind you, then put the bottom of a wine glass in your mouth and tilt your head back – aiming to get the wine in the mouth of the person behind you.We really are getting bored at home, aren’t we?(Pop Sugar– includes some good success and fail videos) 

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