Say yes … to the used dress Wedding dresses are expensive … and only worn once. Maybe that’s why there’s a growing trend of brides wearing used wedding dresses. According to The Knot's Real Weddingsstudy, only 4% of brides wear a used gown -- but that number is growing. Google searches for "used wedding dresses for sale" have increased by 100% in the past five years and searches for "sell wedding dress near me" are up 1,350%. And in its annual weddingsreport, fashion site Lyst revealed that views of pre-owned wedding dresses went up by 93% in 2018. (Glamour)
Get ready for a lot of baby Aryas in the next year …According to a report in the New York Times,Game of Thrones baby names are on the rise. According the Social Security Administration, Khaleesi was the 630th most popular girl's name in 2017. There were 2,156 babies named Arya born in 2017. There were also 20 Sansas, 11 Cerseis, 55 Tyrions, and 23 Theons born that year. Daenerys is enjoying some popularity as well … and one couple named their child Winter … Yes, as in Winter is coming. (Glamour)
Hot wife, happy life? Rich dude, great mood? According to a new study, having a trophy wife or a wealthy husband could be the secret to a happy marriage. Researchers at Florida State University found that having an attractive wife or rich husband makes you more satisfied with your relationship in the long run.Thoughts? (The Ladders)
BYOD = Bring Your Own Dishes …More and more takeout restaurants are giving discounts to diners who bring their own dishes. The restaurants are mostly trying to be eco-friendly. If customers bring their own dishes, there’s less disposable waste to deal with. But, there’s also some savings to consider. If customers bring their own dishes, there’s also fewer disposable dishes for the restaurant to buy and provide. Everybody wins … as long as you don’t mind cleaning your own dishes, of course. (MarketWatch)