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What is SURE to put you in a Bad Mood? Top 50 Things from researchers

Researchers in England conducted a survey to figure out the things that are most likely to trigger a bad mood – and came up with a list of 50. Some notable answers included:

  • A bad night's sleep
  • Stepping in dog crap
  • Getting lost
  • Your phone battery dying when you're out
  • Your favorite sports team losing

A Phillips Hue spokesperson said: "Winter can be a dreary and difficult time - the weather is often cold and wet, we have no money and everyone is generally in a grump."

"This means many more things than usual can put us into a bad mood, something that's not helped by the dark mornings and evenings.

"Lighting not only effects visual conditions, it also influences our biological functions and emotions, while color is thought to have a huge effect on our moods."

Who would have thought that research by a lighting company would have revealed lighting as a potential solution?

How about you?

What is sure to put you in a bad mood?

Here's the full list, by the way:

1. A bad night's sleep

2. Treading in dog mess

3. Having an argument with your partner

4. Getting ill

5. Computer not working

6. When your partner is in a bad mood and brings you down with them

7. Traffic

8. A bad day at work

9. Losing your wallet

10. The boiler breaking down

11. Losing your keys

12. Being late for an appointment

13. Checking your bank account and seeing much less than you'd expected

14. Having to get out of a warm bed on a cold day

15. Winter in general

16. When your public transport doesn't arrive

17. When someone is late to meet you

18. Waking up in the morning and it still being dark outside

19. Not seeing the sun all day during winter

20. Getting a stain on a new top

21. Someone saying something negative about your appearance

22. People talking about Brexit

23. Getting lost

24. Forgetting to set your alarm and oversleeping

25. Getting rained on while walking to work

26. A bad haircut

27. Phone battery running low

28. A bad hair day

29. A bad skin day

30. Having no phone signal

31. Your phone battery dying when you're out

32. Getting to the car and realising you have to de-ice the windows

33. Icy roads

34. When it's only just been payday but you're already low on cash

35. When you order clothes online and they don't fit

36. Having to stay late at work

37. Your umbrella blowing inside out

38. People spoiling a TV show you haven't seen yet

39. Realising your holiday is still months away

40. Back seat drivers

41. Getting toothpaste on your top as you're about to leave the house

42. Your football team losing

43. Making a cup of tea and realising you've got no milk

44. Losing a glove

45. Going on Facebook and realising how pointless it is

46. Burning your toast

47. Losing the TV remote

48. Not being able to find your glasses

49. Being on a diet/health kick

50. Feeling pale during winter

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