Throw Out Your Leftovers Day: Thanksgiving was a week ago ... it's time.
What is your current obsession?
Slangry? This seems like a no-brainer, but a new study has found that losing sleep – even if it’s just a couple of hours -- makes you angrier. (Iowa State University)
What makes life meaningful? That was the big question posed to Americans by the Pew Research Center. The overwhelming response? Family. 69 percent of those surveyed said their family gave their life meaning. This was followed by career (34%), money (23%), spirituality and faith (20%), friends (19%), activities and hobbies (19%), health (16%), home and surroundings (13%) and learning (11%).
Do you know what you are getting your significant other for Christmas? If you have no idea, you’re not alone. A new survey found that nearly one-third of us have no clue what we are getting the person in our lives that we are supposed to know the best. (SWNS)
'Tis the season … for the office holiday party. According to new research, one in three office workers say they have done something they regret at a holiday party. 40 percent say they have experienced some big office drama or learned some juicy gossip at the company holiday party. 37 percent said they have witnessed an office hookup at a holiday party. (SWNS)