Here’s a reality check for you … Kylie Jenner makes in two hours what the average American worker makes in a year. Yep, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, the average U.S. worker makes $45,552 a year. Kylie Jenner makes that in about two and a half hours. Kylie made $166.5 million between June 2017 and June 2018, according to Forbes. That comes out to $19,007 an hour. So … how’s your work day going? (Independent)
What helps you get things done? According to a recent SurveyMonkey poll, these are the top three things that make people more productive:
- Making to-do lists (21%)
- Listening to music (15%)
- Drinking caffeine (12%)
It’s better to give than receive … advice. According to a new study, people are more motivated to improve themselves when they give others advice. Researchers found that giving advice often increases motivation and confidence. This means people struggling with motivation benefit more from giving advice than receiving it. The findings seemed to apply in a bunch of areas, including improving study habits, saving money, controlling your temper, losing weight and looking for jobs. (University of Chicago)
TOPIC: Friend or Co-Worker?
We spend a lot of time at work, so it’s only natural to develop relationships with your co-workers. Do you have any true friends at work, or are they all just co-workers? How did your relationship progress past the office? Has anyone ever tried to push a friendship with you that you weren’t really interested in?