Cheap is sexy … According to a surprising new survey, a whole lot of people find being frugal to be sexy. 92 percent of respondents said they considered being frugal an attractive trait in a partner. 79 percent said it wouldn’t bother them if someone used a coupon on a first date. (PRNewswire)
This will ruin a pool party fast … People in Arizona have reported finding rattlesnakes inside their pool noodles. The City of Buckeye Fire Department in Arizona made an official warning to residents about snakes hiding out and even laying eggs in those Styrofoam pool toys. Happy swimming … (Prevention)
Fat banks … Forget money, now you can take your fat to the bank. Yep, in Australia people are having fat sucked out of them and stored in a fat bank -- which they will later have injected into them to fight the signs of aging.
According to Melbourne cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist, Dr. Daniel Lanzer, “Fat banking is a highly sophisticated process that involves cleaning, preparing and slowly freezing the fat to -310 degrees Fahrenheit … I believe it will change the entire approach to the treatment of aging.” Seems the fat is purified and then inserted in “micro-droplets” under the skin to help with smoothing, firming and toning -- especially in the face. “The concept of removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into another part of the body is one of the most exciting techniques and developments in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery,” said Dr. Lanzer. (NY Post)
What would be easier to give up for a week, coffee … or your phone? A new survey of 18- to 34-year-olds found that 77 percent of respondents said they would “gladly give up caffeine” rather than their phone for a week. And 54 percent said they would give up Netflix for a month rather than not have access to their phone for a week.
But the same survey found that Millennials draw the line at their pets … and their teeth. 72 percent said they would give up their phone for a week rather than give up their pet for a week. And 83 percent chose their toothbrush when asked to choose between not brushing their teeth for a week and not having their phone for the same amount of time. Good to know. (Elite Daily)
Monday, July 2, 2018 - 07:10 AM