The Boxer Show

The Boxer Show

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The Randoms-Most Fun State in America & Crying at Work

Only the lonely … According to a surprising new survey, young adults report being lonelier than the elderly. In general, nearly half of Americans report sometimes or always feeling alone or left out, and one-in-five people report they don’t feel close to people or feel like there are people they can talk to. But, despite social media and other ways to connect with others, adults between the ages of 18 and 22 reported being the loneliest. (KWQC-TV)


California knows how to party ... According to an in-depth study conducted by WalletHub, the "most fun" state in America is California. To rank the states, number- crunchers looked at entertainment and recreation opportunities, as well as nightlife. New York, Nevada, Florida and Illinois rounded out the top five. As for the least fun state? Sorry, West Virginia.


Crying at work … Have you ever cried at work? A recent survey found that 45 percent of workers admitted to crying at work. And that's just fine with the boss, apparently. 44 percent of CFOs said that crying on the job is "acceptable" -- as long as it’s not an everyday thing. (Moneyish)


Glass ceiling still very intact … According to data from the Pew Research Center, from 2016 to 2017, only 5.1 percent of CEOs in the S&P Composite 1500 were women. (The Ladders)


The politics of dating … A chemistry and compatibility survey by dating site Plenty Of Fish revealed that people don't cross party lines when it comes to dating. The survey found 59 percent of singles won't start talking to someone whose dating profile reflects a political view that is opposite of theirs. By party: 52 percent of Republicans and 65 percent of Democrats said they wouldn’t start a conversation with someone who didn't align with them politically. (PRNewswire)

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