Ho! Ho! Ho …tel! Can you guess what common lie people tell their friends and families during the holiday season? According to a survey by air mattress company INTEX, 52 percent of Americans make up an excuse so they can stay in a hotel rather than stay with friends and family. The reason? To “avoid uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.” Wait … you don’t like sleeping on that pull-out couch in the basement? (Travel and Leisure)
Weight bias in the workplace … A survey by Jobs site FairyGodBoss found that when hiring professionals were shown a picture of an overweight woman and asked if they’d consider giving her a job, only 15.6 percent of them said that they would. Even worse, even though they had only been shown a picture, 20 percent perceived the woman as “lazy” and 21 percent deemed her “unprofessional.” (Moneyish)
Kindness works … A new study of 19,000 workers found that when workers feel they are being treated badly or unfairly at work that call in sick more often -- and for longer periods of time. And a Gallup survey found that 50 percent of workers have quit their jobs because of a bad boss. On the other hand, research by job site Indeed.com found that bosses and managers who are kind and treat their workers fairly have happier and more productive employees. (Moneyish)
So Christmas eyebrows are a thing. Why have unfestive brows this season? All you need is a lot of eyebrow gel and your creative nature to decorate your brows with glitter, gems, and sparkles. Need some inspiration? Just search #ChristmasTreeEyebrows on Instagram. (Huffington Post)
This stinks … According to a new study, you might not get any health benefits from going for a walk in the city ... thanks to pollution. Researchers found that even short-term exposure to traffic exhaust in a big city can cancel out the positive effects of a long walk. (Atlanta Journal Constitution)