The 85th lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in New York City. The tree will remain lit and on display on the plaza until 9 p.m. on January 7th.
What is something you are obsessed with?
Cheers to a sparkling season … Just in time for the holidays, SodaStream has introduced a sparkling white wine mix called “Sparkling Gold.” Cheers! (Market Watch)
A fireable offense … ? According to a new survey, about a third of office workers admitted to stealing the lunch of a co-worker … just because it looked better than their own. And then, there's the 12% of employees who have stolen a lunch from the break room because they were hungry and didn't bring anything. Not cool, people. Not cool. (WCCO-TV)
Think you could do a better job than your boss? You are not alone. A new British survey revealed that 44% of workers believe they could do a better job than their boss if they were given the chance. (Independent)
At what age do you think people are most adventurous? According to a new study, 30 is the age when we really want to do exciting things and experience new cultures. Seems when people hit their third decade they realize working for a living isn’t all it’s cut out to be ... and they long for more carefree days. (SWNC Digital)