The Boxer Show

The Boxer Show

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TGIF Randoms-Watching these Movies Burns Calories, Plus

  • Navy Day: It is a day to salute all the men and women who have served, both past and present, in the United States Navy.     
  • National American Beer Day: A good day to drink an American beer.    
  • National Black Cat Day: It’s NOT a day to be superstitious, but, instead, to celebrate these beautiful felines.    
  • National Frankenstein Friday: It’s a day to recognize Mary Shelley, author of the novel Frankenstein.

Here’s a great reason to binge watch scary movies this weekend … you’ll burn calories. Yep, a new study found that horror movies can help you lose weight. And the scarier you find the movie, the better the results. Study participants were attached to heart rate, oxygen, and carbon dioxide monitors and then asked to watch six different scary movies. One participant got so terrified while watching The Shining, she burned 184 calories. Researchers also determined that the majority of participants experienced a decrease in anxiety and frustration after a good scare. So, you burn calories and improve your mood. Win-win! (Time


You really can’t believe anything you see on social media. Case in point ... In an effort to appear rich and famous, people are actually renting out a grounded private jet just to take photos on it. Private Jet Studio is a company based out of Moscow that allows Instagrammers to use their grounded plane for a two-hour photo shoot. It costs $245, but you get a professional photographer to ensure your photos appear authentic. For an additional fee you can even get your hair and makeup done. (Telegraph)


Bet you CAN eat just one … There’s a new social media challenge called the #OneChipChallenge, which involves eating a single chip made from the Carolina Reaper pepper, which happens to be the hottest pepper on the planet. Paqui, the company that makes the chip, is challenging people to eat one – and film themselves doing so. Of course, because of the painful heat, the reactions have been wild. Good times. (For The Win)


Bring on "liver-friendly" vodka … A scientist in India claims that he's invented a vodka that won’t mess up your liver. The vodka has a special added chemical that – supposedly – reduces liver and DNA damage by 93% compared to regular vodka. He’s calling the stuff NTX, which is short for “no-tox.” (Daily Mail)


Candy Canes are the Candy Corn of Christmas. Not that many people like them, but they are always around. You might be rethinking Candy Canes this year, though, because Oreo just announced that they will be making cookies and cream flavored Candy Canes. (Seventeen

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