Maria Milito

Maria Milito

Maria Milito Is On Air Every Day To Rock The Airwaves! Don't Forget To Check Out Maria's Podcast 'Maria's Mutts And Stuff' On iHeartRadio.Full Bio


Lorenza Ponce Is Not Only Bon Jovi's Violinist But Also A Beekeeper

If you've ever been to a Bon Jovi concert, I'm sure you've noticed the woman in the band playing violin...and that's Lorenza Ponce!

Not only is she a Rockstar musician, but she's also a beekeeper who can teach us about bees; the environment; what we can do to save the

bees and nature; plus so much more!

I hope you enjoy my chat with Lorenza as much as I enjoyed it!

You can order honey at LORENZAPONCE.COM

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