Ken Dashow

Ken Dashow

Listen to Ken Dashow everyday and don't forget about Breakfast With The Beatles every Sunday Morning.Full Bio


Watch the Worst First Pitch Ever Nail a Photographer in the Crotch (VIDEO)

Last night's Boston Red Sox game meant a lot for 17-year-old cancer survivor Jordan Leandry.

Ten years ago at age 7, Jordan was welcomed to the field at Fenway Park, where he was invited to run around the bases after years of treatment at the Jimmy Fund.

Jordan, now a pitcher for his high school team on Cape Cod, got to bring his story of cancer, survival and baseball full-circle on the field of the historic ballpark.  

But, as we were all reminded, life is funny sometimes.

"Alright Jordan, fire it in there!" said Fenway's PA announcer before Jordan's pitch sailed wildly off-target and into the crotch of a newspaper camera man standing near the backstop.

Jordan, who looked like he was taking the who ceremony very seriously up until that point, grimaced sheepishly before getting consoled and high-fived by former Jimmy Fund chairman Mike Andrews. 

Fortunately, everyone was okay and Jordan got to personally apologize for his wild pitch, even posing for a photo with photographer Tony Capobianco.

"As soon as it left my hand, I knew it wasn't going to go close to the plate," he told CBS Boston. "I just turned around and put my hands over my mouth. I couldn't believe it hit him there, of all places."

Capobianco, who caught an amazing shot of the ball a millisecond before impact, was well-aware of the humor of the moment. He said the pain lasted a couple minutes, the hilarity will "last forever."

He also added  via Twitter that thankfully the ball just missed his "important parts." 

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