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Camila Cabello Delivers Powerful Speech About Dreamers At Grammys

Camila Cabello gave a powerful speech about Dreamers at the 2018 Grammys. 

The singer sensation was born in Cuba and lived in Mexico, until she moved to Miami, Florida with her family at 6 years old. Now, Cabello is using her voice to speak out for those Dreamers -- which is defined as children who migrated to the states with their parents illegally -- whom the government wishes to be silenced and removed. 

“Tonight in this room full of music’s dreamers we remember that this country was built by dreamers for dreamers chasing the American dream. I’m here on this stage tonight because just like the Dreamers, my parents brought me to this country with nothing in their pockets but hope,” said Cabello.

She continued, “They showed me what it means to work twice as hard and never give up. And honestly, no part of my journey is any different than theirs. I’m a proud Cuban-Mexican immigrant born in Eastern Havana. Standing in front of you on the Grammy stage in New York City and all I know is just like dreams, these kids can’t be forgotten and are worth fighting for.”

Cabello wasn't finished just yet. Using her speech, she was also introducing rock band U2's performance, which also had a politically-charged message for the government, as well. “Tonight it is my great honor to introduce one of the greatest bands in music history, U2. This band from Ireland first rocked the Grammy boat when they won four awards 30 years ago for The Joshua Tree, an album that explored their own powerful connection with the American dream,” Cabello added. 

“46 Grammy nominations and 22 awards later, they extend their stunning Grammy legacy tonight by celebrating New York City and the promise that has drawn generations of immigrants here from around the world. Here they are on the Hudson River performing in front of a beautiful lady who inspired these timeless words by Emma Lazarus.”

The singer closed by reciting a portion of Lazarus's "The New Colossus" poem. She said: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Listen to the singer's empowering speech below!

Photo: Getty Images

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