The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

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"Ezra's Eagle Prophecy" EXPLAINED: Is It About Trump, Harris, & America?

There’s a prophecy in the ancient apocryphal book of 2 Esdras that some believe is about the United States. The “Ezra’s Eagle prophecy” details a 3-headed eagle whose feathers were believed to represent a succession of Roman leaders. But “A Remnant Shall Return” author Michael Rush believes the feathers might be leaders of a powerful End Times country — specifically, America. Rush joins Glenn to lay out his interpretation of the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy, including why he believes it details the history of U.S. presidents since Herbert Hoover. But do the feathers on the Eagle’s shorter left wing represent Trump, Biden, and Kamala Harris? Was the Deep State prophesied about over 2,000 years ago? And is it even a true prophecy? Glenn and Michael break down why we may soon know for sure …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to introduce to you Michael Rush.

He is an author. A Remnant Shall Return is the book that we're going to be discussing today.

And it's all about a prophecy of Ezra's eagle. And I think, Michael, you're one of the first to say, I don't know. This could all be wrong.

We won't know until, you know, it's -- it's proven right or wrong, correct?

MICHAEL: Yeah. Absolutely. In fact, I would be the first to say, that I absolutely hope that this is not true.

GLENN: Me too.

But it is -- it is pretty fascinating.

First, would you explain what the Apocrypha is, for people who don't know?

Yeah. Absolutely. So the Apocrypha is the list of 14 books.

And prior to the turn of -- just prior to the turn of the 20th century. The Church of England yanked it from all King James Bibles. But prior to that point. It was included as a supplement between the old and New Testament. From 1611, to just before the -- the 20th century. So when the Pilgrims came over, on the Mayflower. I mean, this was included in their Bible.

So it's something that, you know -- you know, a couple hundred years ago, people were much more familiar with, than they are today.

Today, you, you know, most people don't know much about it at all. The Apocrypha. Go ahead, Glenn.

GLENN: Go ahead. No, no, no. Please.

MICHAEL: Yeah. So one of the reasons why Apocrypha was called out by the Church of England, was because it has errors in it. I mean, there are historical inaccuracies and things.

So, I mean, that's one word of caution.

That should always accompany any time you're reading an Apocrypha book. It's not included in the canonite Scripture for a reason.

GLENN: Okay.

And the book of Ezra is the first book of the Apocrypha. The first and second book.

And it is a cousin or a brother of Daniel. Is that -- is that the connection?

MICHAEL: Well, so. If you look at Ezra, and Daniel, these are both people that were taken captive into Babylon. When Babylon came in and conquered Jerusalem. So they're brothers in that sense. I don't know that they're related.

But, you know, they're -- they're brothers in that Babylonian sense.

GLENN: Okay. Okay.

So there's a couple of reasons why I think people are attracted to, you know, end times prophecy.

One, because we're commanded to. To be aware of the signs of the times.

So you know what's approaching. But also, I think some people just like to dabble in this.

Because they're looking for a sign that God is aware of the situation.

And it's explainable on what's going on. Because the world makes no sense. So they're looking for a connection, to God.

So you are the only one. This -- Ezra's Eagle was known to be, or thought to be, Rome for a long time?

Is that right?

MICHAEL: Yes. That was the common belief. In fact, they attribute this to first century AD. Largely because. Because he's talking about Rome.

GLENN: Right.

But it doesn't really work for Rome. And the -- the only real question I have, on this. Is how you came up with -- well, explain what the eagle is, and what the feathers are, first.

And then we'll talk about how you assigned a date to that.

MICHAEL: Okay. So the vision starts with Ezra seeing this large eagle coming up out of the ocean. And the eagle isn't normal. It has three heads. And two massive wings. And on the right wing, it has 14 feathers. But 12 of these feathers are long. And two of them are short.

And then on the left side, there's just six little feathers. And fortunately, Ezra has this angelic guide that's with him.

And he kind of points things out to Ezra. And explains the meaning. And one of the things, that the angelic guide explains to Ezra, is that this eagle represents a powerful kingdom, that will have global domination, in the end times.

And he -- he goes on to explain, that the feathers are on the respective wings represent the leaders of this country.

And, you know, so there's -- there's 20 consecutive leaders, and they serve one after another.

So right out of the gate, you know, this is -- this is something of a time line. Have it's a countdown, beginning with the first feather, and going to a big prophetic event, that allegedly will take place in the last days.

GLENN: So it is -- it's fascinating to me, because what caught my attention, was the pegging of those feathers to US presidents, is stunning.

However, you have to take a leap of faith. Because it doesn't go all the way to back to George Washington.

I think you're the only one that has pinned. Were you the first to come up with this? To pin it to Hoover?



GLENN: Yeah. So --

MICHAEL: Yeah. Go ahead.

GLENN: Okay. So you've -- you've pinned it to Hoover, as the first feather. And I want you to explain that. But I -- I want to make a disclosure here. This is a part where Michael and I share, and our faith.

Our faith teaches us that in the end days, there will be a secret combination. It will be, you know, basically the Deep State.

And that kind of sets the clock ticking.

And the Book of Mormon, is just history. But a -- really, an outline of what things are going to look like, as we approach the latter days.

And it's shockingly accurate, to what is happening today. And that is how you came. This is the only more mon part of it. If I'm not mistaken.

You pinning this to Hoover.

How did you get there?

MICHAEL: So really. It's pinned to Hoover because of the incredibly specific language regarding the second feather in this series. So the verbiage of the prophecies says, you know, paraphrasing, says that the second leader will serve twice as long as any other, leader of this country.

And that's before the end of his official administration.

None other would be able to serve unto the half of the time that he served

So, I mean, that's incredibly specific language. So it's really this that caused us to hone in on Hoover.

Because there's only one presence in the United States, that this could possibly be talking about.

And it's Franklin D Roosevelt. Who was elected four terms in office. He died of natural causes, in his first. Or in his fourth term.

But Congress passed the 20 Second Amendment. To the Constitution.

Before his official court term concluded, barring all future.from serving more than two years.

So, I mean, this is just what locked it in for me. Because this is incredibly specific.

GLENN: Right. Yeah. You know, when you started with FDR, and then you go through the feathers which we will in a second. It is incredibly specific. And nails our presidency, the secession of presidents, exactly.

But also, if I may, it was the council of foreign relations, that really. During the Hoover times.

That it really took a hold.

And that kind of plays a role, later. In the prophecy. When you switch to the other wing. If you will.

So explain the feathers, and how they are marked for each president.

And what lines up.

MICHAEL: Yeah. So, you know, that -- that -- it starts with Herbert Hoover.

And, you know, as you mentioned, if you Google, you know, founding members of the foreign relation. The Council on Foreign Relations.

Herbert Hoover comes up. So that's, you know, very interesting, in the context of this.

And you talked about secret combination. If you read in the Book of Revelation, in chapter 17, John sees this amazing vision of the horror of Babylon.

And I -- I think that this is what is the underlining context. Of what's going on, in this vision.

It's not so much a vision about these presidents, as it is the rise and infiltration of this country by this whore of Babylon. And that's why, it starts with Herbert Hoover in my opinion.

So then it goes through. There's, as I said, there's 14 feathers on the right side.

And, you know, this -- these 14 feathers seem to be counting down.

And the specific, you know, language of the prophecy, gives some other very curious information with regards to two short feathers, that would be amongst these 14. And the specific language is that by the time you see the second of these two feathers, you'll be approaching the midpoint of this time line.

So when you look at, you know, starting with Herbert Hoover.

GLENN: Herbert Hoover. It's hard.

MICHAEL: Yeah. Herbert Hoover. I go to the 14th president, Barack Obama.

So when you look in there, for two presidents, who have -- were short feathers.

Meaning, in the verbiage of the prophecy. A short feather is someone who has had their administration cut short by contrary or nefarious, means.

And I attribute that to the -- you know, involvement of this whore of Babylon terminating their presidency, prematurely.

So you look at this list. And you go. You know, it jumps right out at you.

That you've got JFK. Who was assassinated.

Ask then you have Richard Nixon, who was force Todd resign.

Now, as you go through this time line, Richard Nixon is 45 years into it.

And the prophecy again says. When you see the second of these -- you'll be halfway through this time line.

And then you look at Barack Obama. Well, that was about 43 years later.

So that, again, just matches up, perfectly, with, you know, what Ezra is talking about here.

So not only do you have the -- you know, the FDR, and these two short -- you also have these two short feathers. And it's really hard for me to just kind of brush those things aside. And say, yeah.

This is -- this is really just talking about Rome or something else. Because it's so applicable to American history. Somewhere, yeah. And again, that doesn't mean that it's right. It just means that so far, it's nailed everything in the prophecy.

But the second part of the prophecy, when you get specifically to Donald Trump and now this administration, and then what happens from here, is stunning.

And, you know, five years ago, I would have said, well, that's going to be hard.

I could see all of this happening. I could also see it not happening.

But it's not a far stretch to think that these next few feathers, if you will. These next few events that Ezra talks about, in Apocrypha. It's -- it's plausible, and possible that it comes.

GLENN: We're talking to Michael Rush. He's an author of the book, A Remnant Shall Return. Which has been out for a long time, but has now started sweep, at least in my community, in Idaho, and people are talking about it. And they say the same thing.

Everybody says, I have no idea, if this is real. But it is fascinating, how it all lines up.

And I really appreciate Michael, your approach on this too.

That you're saying, I could be wrong.

I hope it's wrong. But it is interesting to look at.

So you get to Barack Obama. And then you start to get up to Donald Trump. And in these feathers, that are on this one wing of Ezra's eagle. It's showing all the presidents. And in the last one, on one side, would be Donald Trump.


MICHAEL: Correct. So with -- the first 14 feathers are on the right side of the eagle. And so now Donald Trump is the first feather on the left wing of an eagle.

GLENN: Okay.

MICHAEL: And the -- all of the -- the thing that all of the feathers on the left side of the eagle has is they're all short.

Meaning, if my interpretation of this is true, all of their administrations will be cut short by the machinations of this whore of Babylon.

GLENN: And Donald Trump, you could only say his -- he was cut short, if he was to serve two terms. And there was nefarious purposes. Right? Because he served his whole term.

MICHAEL: Well, so -- this is where you have to look at, what this means. To be cut short.

Does it mean, you only have one term?

Does it refer to the length of office?

And I don't think that's what defines a short feather. Because you have, you know, long feather presidents that serve one term or two terms. I think that the definition of what makes a feather short --

GLENN: Yeah. Okay.

MICHAEL: -- is whether the Deep State terminated their presidency.

So when you look at -- and we're talking about a prophecy that is at least 2,000 years old. So it is so eerie how it mirrors these things. So when you look at -- go ahead.

GLENN: And especially, I don't mean to interrupt, but we will have to break in a second. Especially -- I don't know if you saw the news this week. that now they're coming out on the news on Nixon. That it looks like the Deep State and the CIA actually was responsible for the break-in. And the Nixon resignation. That it -- it actually was a Deep State operation. And they're responsible for cutting his time short. That news just came out this week. More in just a minute.

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(OUT AT 10:29 AM)

GLENN: So 2,000 years ago, there was a prophecy. By Ezra. Ezra is mentioned in the -- no. He's not. No. Ezra is the first two books of the Apocrypha. And he talked about a great empire, that is going to be destroyed, near the end times. And he describes seeing this empire coming out of the ocean. Which is interesting. And it rises out. It has three heads. And it has a bunch of feathers on one side. And very few feathers on the other side. This lines up now, according to Michael Rush. And I have read this over and over again from a really old copy of the Apocrypha, and it does line up. And if you start with Hoover, it goes and nails FDR. It -- it says, there will be -- their time in office or in control will be cut short. And that one is JFK and Richard Nixon. And then Donald Trump, cut short as well.

Now, what happens after that, Michael?

MICHAEL: Yeah. So one other thing that I think is important to bring up about this vision. Is that Ezra heard the eagle speaking. But the voice, or the sound wasn't coming from its head. So it was coming from its bowels.

And the -- and his angelic guide goes, Ezra, did you notice that? Did you notice the voice that is coming from this country's bowels?

This signifies that this country will be in a period of great distress, and at the point of collapse. So that's -- that is a very interesting additional, you know, background to what we're going to talk about next.

GLENN: Okay.

MICHAEL: So we're now talking about the first short feather on the left side of this eagle, the left wing, which would be the presidency of Donald Trump.

Which according to this vision, his presidency would have been to have cut short. And I believe, by the intervention of the whore of Babylon, or the American Deep State. So you have the 2020 election. Which, you know, whatever you think happens there. One thing is for sure. That it was the most, you know, contested election in probably American history.

You had over 10 percent of states. And alternate delegates. To the electoral college.

That's never happened at that scope before.

And their explanation? You know, they said there's widespread fraud in those states.

So it's -- if you just -- you know, oh. He started four terms. That's it. This prophecy is fake.


But if you look at it from that perspective, then you would have to say, okay.

Trump was a short feather because this election, there was something, you know, not right with it. And it was stolen.

GLENN: You could even not use the election. But you could talk about how he had been thwarted the entire time. By the Deep State.

And even COVID. That he didn't accomplish all of the things that he was set to accomplish. Because of the interference of the Deep State. So you could read it that way as well.

But I hate to make. You know, let's not water this down even more. You know, if it's -- if it's accurate, we'll see.

Because what happens next?

MICHAEL: So next. Again, we have some very specific language here. It says that the next short feather, which would have to be Joe Biden.

Says that his time in office. He's away, even faster than Trump was.

So when you're looking at current events.

You know, right now.

This is -- this is very timely.


There are many people who think that Joe Biden hasn't been calling the shots for a long phylum

GLENN: Right.

MICHAEL: So it's just very curious. But then the very next thing that it says, is that there will be two that -- short feathers, that think in their hearts, to be set up.

So they're just thinking about it.

In my mind, this means, they want to be the president, but they are not set up. So we're talking about. We could be talking about an election scenario here. And in that case, you would be talking about Kamala and Trump again.

And the specific verbiage is, that as they are so thinking in their hearts, the three heads of the eagle awake and devour them. And then they take control of the country from that point forward.

And --

GLENN: So does this have to happen before January 20th?

MICHAEL: Well, so January 20th would be when you would swear in the next president of the United States.

GLENN: President, right.

MICHAEL: So for Biden to be away sooner than Trump, then, yeah.

It -- if Biden, you know, completes this, then I -- I don't know how you could, you know, say on its face, that this prophecy was correct.

GLENN: Right.

MICHAEL: Again, this is -- this is from the Apocrypha.

GLENN: Right.

MICHAEL: But how it lines up, is astounding.

GLENN: Remarkable.

However, like you just said, we're going to know, one way or another, if -- if Joe Biden doesn't make it to the 20th. That's a point I guess in its favor. I hate to say, you know -- is a really bad thing.

Because then the next thing, and do they serve or not? So this would have to happen before a swearing in too. Where the Deep State would devour those two, right?

MICHAEL: Correct. So basically, what this prophecy is -- if it is real, what it's saying is that their -- you know, whoever wins the election, will not be set up as president. They will be devoured.

Something will happen. What that is, I don't know. If this is true, we'll know when it happens.

But it will put the three heads of this -- said another way. The leadership of this Deep State will now be calling the shots overtly.

GLENN: Deep State. Known to everyone.

MICHAEL: Known. Yeah. There are no more masks, they're not operating behind the scenes.

GLENN: Okay. So now if you thought that was a trip to fun land, wait until you hear what happens to the heads of the eagle.

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