< br />The coronavirus pandemic has -- and continues to be -- absolutely tragic for several reasons. But, aside from the death this virus has caused, our fear of it has led to a new kind of police state in America too. Just like China, local city and state governments are using new technologies to track and monitor citizens to prevent additional spread of the disease. And...they're doing it all without YOUR permission. Google insists the tracking data its providing to government leaders isn't individualized (sure....), Kansas leaders are using an app that gives GPS details on citizens, and drone companies are selling out to their new, biggest customer: police departments. The mayor of Los Angeles is encouraging residents to spy and report on others ("snitches get rewards!") and these are just a FEW examples. This is just the beginning of our new Big Brother, and if we're not careful, he'll be around to stay for a very long time.
Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio