Take a time machine ride back ten years and survey a thousand Americans. Ask them to identify whether the following politician is a conservative or a liberal: The first President to enter the White House as openly pro-LGBT, awarded multiple humanitarian awards beside people like Muhammed Ali and Maya Angelou, has made strides to remove the U.S. from wars in the Middle East, has brokered peace deals with multiple countries including North/South Korea. And at every stage, his opponents have lashed out viciously.
Somehow, the left hates Donald Trump so much, that they'll spite every single action he takes, even if it's in line with what they claim to believe, what they claim to have always believed. The examples of this keep getting more and more shocking.
RELATED: The 'Masterpiece Cakeshop' ruling is actually a win for LGBT rights
Most recently he announced policy to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide. Who on the left could ever have a problem with that? They've spent years jamming that very idea into our faces, demanding that we take action. What could they possibly object to?
Yes, that's what they're saying. They're accusing Donald Trump of racism for trying to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide. You know, in those parts of the world where it's punishable by death.
One article in particular rose to the top of the proverbial Twitter sewage troth.
Let's start with the title: "Trump's Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic."
The author has written other gems such as "Trump can't end an HIV/AIDS epidemic he doesn't understand" and "Heteros Are Now Making Gender Reveal Lasagna." Pretty great, huh? Want a few more? He also wrote: "After Porn Debut, This Quadriplegic Man Opens Up About Ableist Stigma" and "The Critical Difference Between Ellen Page and Ellen DeGeneres" and "Bros, Are You Obsessed with Your Girl's Butt? That's Gay, Says Blogger."
I hope the Pulitzer committee is keeping an eye on this brilliant journalist, because he's delivering some real hard-hitting, truth-seeking news. It shouldn't surprise you that he also wrote multiple article defending Jussie Smollett, but that's another story, for another day.
Here are the opening lines:
The Trump administration is set to launch a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of nations where anti-gay laws are still on the books, NBC News reported Monday. While on its surface, the move looks like an atypically benevolent decision by the Trump administration, the details of the campaign belie a different story. Rather than actually being about helping queer people around the world, the campaign looks more like another instance of the right using queer people as a pawn to amass power and enact its own agenda.
Uh, what?
Well, hopefully the writer clarifies and doesn't just jam in a bunch of self-serving, "look at how cultured I am and how dumb you are" references, and actually makes a coherent argument from this mess of a story. Nope:
In her essay, 'Can the Subaltern Speak?' postcolonial theorist Gayatri Spivak coined the term 'White men saving brown womenfrom brown men' to describe the racist, paternalistic process by which colonizing powers would decry the way men in power treated oppressed groups, like women, to justify attacking them. Spivak was referencing the British colonial agenda in India. But Grennell's attack might be a case of white men trying to save brown gay men from brown straight men, to the same end.'
Claire Lehmann gave a more succinct conclusion of the article, which she re-posted along with the comment:
Holy s--t, this article (in an LGBT magazine no less) actually argues that it's racist and colonialist for Trump to put pressure on Iran to decriminalise homosexuality and that Iran is actually 'not that bad' when it comes to homosexuality anyway.
The comments section on Twitter can often be hellish and defeating. But, for some reason, this time that's exactly what we needed.
Daily Caller writer Amber Athey commented:
Wow you'd really rather gay people continue to be killed for their sexuality than give Trump credit for anything.
Gregory T. Angelo, of Log Cabin Republicans, wrote: "In which a liberal gay blog actually argues *against* the decriminalization of homosexuality — because, Trump!"
Then there was Chadwick Moore, who worked as editor-at-large for Out Magazine, also took to Twitter:
Yes, this is the same magazine I worked for as Editor-at-Large before they fired me, almost two years ago to the day, for saying 'I don't hate Trump, I like free speech, journalism is in the gutter, and the left is a little crazy'
In the end, Donald Trump Jr. said it best, though.
Yup, no matter what he does they find a way to somehow make it bad. You can't make this stuff up anymore.
And he's right. No rational human being could ever dream this nonsense up.