Photo: AFP
The French are revolutionizing, as they plan to stage a ‘poo protest’!
In response to President Emmanuel Macron’s $1.4 billion state-backed plan to clean up the Seine for the Summer Olympics, the French people plan to protest over the expenses for the cleaning, in lue of Macron's 2023 pension reform,
"we’re going to sh*t all over your beloved games," a statement read.
The plans went viral, after both Macron and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, promised to take a swim in the river to prove that a major clean-up operation was made. The hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin which translates to #IshitintheSeineonJune23 began trending immediately, and an official website was launched with the slogan: “Because after putting us in shit it’s up to them to bathe in our shit.”
It looks like things are getting funky in Paris.