Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained phenomena.Full Bio


Astronomers Listen for ET Response to Message Sent Into Space 40 Years Ago

A team of astronomers in Japan are listening for a possible alien response to a message that was sent into space forty years ago. The intriguing attempt at interstellar communication reportedly began back in 1983 when astronomers Hisashi Hirabayashi and Masaki Morimoto relayed a series of radio signals to the star Altair, which is approximately 16.7 light years from Earth. The message, which was sent by a telescope at Stanford University, consisted of 13 drawings intended to convey human's presence on the planet as well as insights about our species and civilization. Picking up the mantle of his predecessors, astronomer Shinya Narusawa of the University of Hyogo has assembled a team which will attempt to detect a potential ET answer to the decades-old missive.

More on this story at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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