One of the more fantastic theories for what may have caused the infamous Dyatlov Pass incident is getting another look thanks to a Russian doctor who says that a Yeti could have caused the tragic event. Over the last 60 years, historians and armchair researchers have offered no shortage of possible explanations for what could have killed nine hikers in the Ural mountains back in 1959. Although ideas such as an avalanche or a weapons test gone awry are usually treated as plausible, the proverbial 'snowman hypothesis' has been largely dismissed as merely an example of just how outlandish the speculation can sometimes get.
However, a fascinating new investigation by a Russian media outlet explores the often derided idea that a Siberian Sasquatch could have somehow led to the hiking party's mysterious demise. The surprisingly lengthy piece was inspired by the musings of what the outlet calls an "eminent doctor" who postulated that the rib injuries sustained by two of the dead hikers were the result of a large creature squeezing their chest in a manner similar to an adult inadvertently hurting a child by embracing them with too much force. Alas, in an entirely understandable stance, the allegedly renowned doctor opted not to reveal his name for fear of being ridiculed.
Nonetheless, the bold assertion that Bigfoot might be to blame for the Dyatlov Incident apparently led reporters to look into such a scenario and, in turn, they uncovered several fascinating witness accounts of a Sasquatch-like creature known as a 'kompolen' lurking in the region. Find out about these amazing stories at the Coast to Coast AM website.