In a rather surprising development, three people claiming to have been witnesses to the legendary Pascagoula UFO Incident from decades ago have emerged to share their stories for the first time. The iconic 1973 event featured two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who were allegedly abducted by bizarre-looking aliens and subjected to some kind of examination by the creatures. The case electrified the UFO research community as well as the media at the time that it occurred, but had largely fallen off the proverbial radar in recent years until Parker broke what had been a lengthy period of silence and began talking about his experience once again.
It would seem that the newfound attention afforded to Parker's story over the last year or so wound up inspiring a handful of individuals who were in the area at the time of the event to speak on the record about strange things that they saw that fateful night. According to a local media report, Jerry and Maria Blair say that they were parked in their care on the shore of the Pascagoula River when they spotted a blue light that seemed to be hovering over the water and moving erratically.
A few moments after the initial sighting, Maria claims, she heard a splash and then caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a person in the water. Having not seen the oddity himself, her husband suggested that it was simply a dolphin, but his wife was skeptical of that assessment. After later hearing Parker and Hickson's description of the creature that they encountered and noting how it matched what she saw, Marie became convinced that the figure in the water had been one of those beings.
More on this story, including an account from another witness to the landmark UFO event, at the Coast to Coast AM website.