Monday, August 14, 2017 - Show Notes and Links


6 AM - 1 - Michael got a smart feeder for his gf's cat; Vincent got drunk at a food truck thing; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Fun texts on stuff.

7 AM - 1 - Charlottesville violence. 2 - More Charlottesville. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Mooch canceled on Colbert.

8 AM - 1 - More Charlottesville. 2 - Jack's sons saw a urinal trough. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Sean reviews Game of Thrones for some reason.

9 AM - 1 - Red Alert Politics' Lauren Cooley on her piece: "UF President: White Nationalist Richard Spencer can speak at University of Florida"; Jack has a tip for shoplifters. 2 - Doing laundry at school. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - ; Final Thoughts.



PICS: Vincent Got Drunk And Went To A Food Truck Thing

LINK: Ben Shapiro's "7 Things You Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack"

LINK: UF President: White Nationalist Richard Spencer can speak at University of Florida by Lauren Colley from Red Alert Politics



General Manager: The Unraveling

Band Name of the Day:  The 6 Inch Hurdles (Jack)

Bon Mot of the Day:  Lay Off The Jazz Cabbage, Willie (Vincent)

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