Wednesday, May 31, 2017 - Show Notes and Links


6 AM - 1 - Sean got those disposable cameras developed; Vincent wants to stay with Marshall in a youth hostel; Opening Thoughts. 2 - ; MailBag. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - More stuff is coming out on Tiger's arrest.

7 AM - 1 - Trump and the Russia thing. 2 - CBS News military analyst Mike Lyons talks about that Pentagon missile defense test over the Pacific Ocean yesterday. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - Food in Europe Versus Food in America.

8 AM - 1 - Cable news is all DefCon 1 about everything. 2 - Most misspelled words in each state. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - The best sunscreen is...; People have affairs with their neighbors.

9 AM - 1 - Washington Post reporter Kimberly Kindy on her piece: "How Congress dismantled federal Internet privacy rules". 2 - UC Berkeley gender-inclusive locker room; covfefe. 3 - The News with Marshall Phillips. 4 - The Squatty Potty; Final Thoughts.



PICS: Sean Developed Those Disposable Cameras From A Few Years Back

VIDEO: Kathy Griffin Apologizes For The Beheaded Trump Picture

LINK: "How Congress dismantled federal Internet privacy rules" by Kimberly Kindy of the Washington Post



General Manager: Donald Trump's Severed Head

Band Name of the Day: The 12 Foot Long Burritos (Jack)

Misspelling of the Day: Audio Clip (Joe)

Bon Mot of the Day: Wrap Your Infant In Tin Foil, You Get A Free Soda (Sean)

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