Office pools! They are big fun for College Basketball and Sunday's big game and if you are participating in any football "pool" fun for this weekend, check this out.
The Washington Post broke down the best squares with the best return.
The best square to have is 0-0. The next best square is 7-0, followed by 3-0, 4-0 and 0-3. What are the worst boxes to have? Anything including 9, 8 or 5.
Here's why according to the Washington Post:
"As of 2015, when the league pushed back the line of scrimmage for extra-point kick attempts, the best square to have is 0|0, a score combination that was found at the end of eight percent of quarters of all games over the past five seasons, including the playoffs. That combination would have returned an average of $2 per $1 bet, assuming an even split of pool money across all four quarters of every game ($25 awarded per quarter, and not counting overtime). A square with 7|0 (with the home team listed first) offered the next best return ($1.95 per $1 spent) followed by 3|0 ($1.32), 4|0 ($1.20) and 0|3 ($1.17). The worst boxes to own were those including a 9, 8 or 5.