Great Holiday Family Photo Tips

Image byMaura BarbulescufromPixabay

Tis the season for sending holiday cards and while everyone loves the ones with family photos, nailing the perfect shot isn’t always easy. If your last holiday photo was full of red eyes, a screaming toddler, or weird positions that made it look like a tree was growing out of Grandma’s head, you’re not alone. And these tips from professional photographers can help you improve this year’s picture.

  • Keep your outfits simple- Lots of families go for matchy-matchy flannel or holiday prints, but portrait photographer Ilene Squires advises against it. Instead she suggests staying in the same color family and wearing earth tones in deep greens, creams, and browns or black, white and gray with pops of color.
  • Make sure your clothes are comfortable- If not, you’ll see the discomfort in pictures.
  • Forget the flash- Natural light is best for beautifully lit photos, if you can swing it. Plus, not using the flash means you don’t have to deal with that red eye disaster. When shooting outside, try to avoid harsh, direct sunlight by taking pictures early morning, around dusk, or on an overcast day.
  • Pack a photo shoot “emergency” kit- Include baby wipes for sticky faces or runny noses, hair brushes, hair ties, and snacks and water for kids.
  • Have a pre-photo game plan- Think about how everyone will stand and sit before you step in front of the camera. “Get in close and don’t have too much going on,” advises Chuck DeLaney, dean of the New York Institute of Photography. He also suggests thinking about levels, like “having one person standing, one in a chair, one on the arm and one kneeling in front.”
  • Don’t worry about props- The focus should be on family, so you can skip the roaring fireplace or wheelbarrow filled with gifts in the corner.
  • Time it right so cards arrive on time- And if you’re running behind, turn it into a New Year’s card instead!

Source:Real Simple

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