Hydrophone Captures Echolocation Sounds From Lake Champlain Monster?

Photo: Unclassified Films

An intriguing hydrophone recording from Lake Champlain features a series of sounds that some believe to be the site's famed monster exhibiting a form of biological sonar known as echolocation. The remarkable piece of possible evidence for the elusive cryptid was reportedly captured last month by longtime Champ researcher Katy Elizabeth. While out on Lake Champlain with her equipment-laden research vessel, Kelpie II, she deployed a hydrophone that caught curious clicks unfolding rapidly and a puzzling buzzing noise between them. The series of sounds bear an uncanny resemblance, although wholly unique in comparison, to echolocation exhibited by cetaceans like dolphins and whales.

Check out the mystifying recording and find out more on this story at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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