Jill's Jems: What's Going On Around Southern California - Week of 6/9

Happy Friday! Jill has created a marvellous list of activities for a fun-filled weekend! Take a look at her suggestions below:

The Special Olympics 2023 SUMMER GAMES will take place tomorrow and Sunday at Cal State Long Beach. Admission to Summer Games is FREE and open to the public!

LA Pride in Hollywood is back! The parade portion will happen in Hollywood – and LA Pride in the Park (featuring Mariah Carey and Megan Thee Stallion) will be at L.A. State Historic Park. 

Janet Jackson will be at Fivepoint Amphitheatre tonight and the season-opener tomorrow night at the Hollywood Bowl with Ludacris. 

Descanso Garden in La Canada are doing a special event called Cultivate from 4:30–7pm. You can take a sound bath and even make your own tea bag.

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