Meet The New Cadbury Bunny (But It's NOT A Bunny)

You’d think my cat Stripe would be pleased that for the first time ever, the winner of the Cadbury Bunny Tryouts is another cat! Last year, it was a dog. Before that, a frog. Never an actual bunny, of course. That would ruin the joke.

This year, we congratulate Crash, an 8 year-old orange and white, one-eyed rescue kitty from Boise, Idaho! I think it’s great. Stripe, however, is jealous and thinks the whole thing's rigged.

Crash is in a far better mood. He won $5,000 for himself and a shelter of his choice. He’s also in the new Cadbury clucking commercial. Crash isn't the first cat you see. That one’s been there for decades… long before they actually did this contest. No, he's the second cat around 10 seconds in who swipes his paw.

Very cute! And very cool of Cadbury to donate $20,000 to the ASPCA.

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