Are You The Annoying Guest at The Dinner Party? Here's 5 Signs to Watch For

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Have you noticed that your friends seem to be "forgetting" to invite you to Sunday Dinner? It might be time to consider that maybe you're the drama. Here are five signs to know for sure.

  1. You're always late - I get it, I too, am the "late friend." But us late friends need to take responsibility for our lifestyle. If we're invited to a sit down dinner our lateness is going to delay everyone ordering. If we're asked to bring a dish to Sunday Dinner and we're late now everyone else's dishes are cold. No one wants to eat a cold soup.
  2. Your 'gift' was mid - Hosts do a lot of work. It's important to bring a favor to show your appreciation. What's not appreciated, however; flowers that require a vase, plants in general - like oh thanks more responsibility I didn't ask for -, religious gifts, GAG GIFTS like how are gag gifts still a thing?? If you're a bad gift giver bring a bag of ice and move on with your life.
  3. Bathroom incidents - We're all adults that live in the midwest that regularly consumer a hearty diet that can get us through an icy winter. Bathroom situations happen. And yes it's embarrassing when it happens at friends houses, but you gotta send a discreet text and fess up before the situation worsens and the hosts end up HATING you.
  4. You caused a major spill - I am also the "clumsy friend" which is why I make sure that I keep red beverages AWAY from the white couches and rugs. I actually exclusively drink water or other clear beverages at friends home so I don't trip over a ladybug and ruin great-grandmas hand sewn blanket.
  5. You get litty at inappropriate times - This one is should be obvious but if it's not this is the one you're guilty of.

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