Man Claims That "High Electric Bill" Caused His Divorce - Sure Jan

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The New York Post has reported that an Australian man is claiming that his battle with one of Australia's largest electricity providers has caused the dissolution of his long-term marriage. 55 year old Bryn Lawson claims that the electric company is using incorrect power meter numbers for his home. His latest bill came in at $833. YIKES. AGL has apologized for the mistake and offered to credit his account, but he claims the mistake continues to occur.

With the high electric bill, Lawson stated that he was initially taking his frustration out on his wife - clearly the electric companies fault am I right? Lawson stated that he would "come home and the lights would be on, the power would e on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying 'what have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?'" After his wife left, Lawson's bill still ranged anywhere from $600-$800. So you mean to say your wife having the bedroom light on at night WASN'T the cause for your $800 electric bill? Shocking.

Lawson has now taken drastic steps to decrease his bill including getting rid of his fridge and shivering at night instead of using his heater, but the bill continues to be high.

It's not that I'm not empathetic towards his plight. A greedy electric company recognizing that their readings are off and refusing to correct the problem is something that I personally have experienced. It's an incredibly frustrating experience and really makes you want to kick capitalism in the teeth, but why are you putting it all on your wife like her wanting to have A FUNCTIONING FRIDGE is the cause of your problem??? Get it together man.

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