Wearing Socks at The Beach - Practical, or a LITERAL Crime?

Photo: Getty Images

An Australian woman was horrified when she discovered that her boyfriend wears socks to the beach. She posted on TikTok with the text "My American boyfriend committed an Australian crime today." She then zoomed in on her boyfriend at the beach in his swim trunks and socks - the woman was too stunned to speak.

People in the comments section were left divided. Half saying that this is a LITERAL crime and the other half saying it's an issue of practicality! One person said "Immediate ban from the beach for 12 months" another, "I think you need a BF refund."

On the one hand, wearing socks to the beach solves some common beach issues - getting the wet sand in between your toes (YUCK), not having to worry about the hot sand coming for your delicate tootsie's. However, it's beyond a fashion faux pas - it's a fashion felony. Leave your dad fashion to the jeans and baseball caps PLEASE. Also, what's better than sticking your feet in the water? And in AUSTRALIA? The literal ocean capitol of the world?! Just leave the socks in your bag I'M BEGGING YOU.

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