Do You Ever Regret Sending A Text? The New iPhone Update Will Help!

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I know the idea of another update on our phones is a major eyeroll! But, this next one coming out this fall is a biggie.

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference kicked off with all the details about iOS 16.

It will be offering more personalization options like an improved lock screen with widgets…and the ability to customize fonts and colors!

Notifications appear on the lock screen differently, too. Instead of piling up across the screen, they “roll in” at the bottom of the screen.

There’s also a “live activities” feature to display notifications associated with an event like an Uber ride or sporting event in a single tile.

It’s like our very own personalized CNN screen! But, there’s a major update coming to messages: iOS 16 adds the ability to edit typos out of SENT MESSAGES!!!!

Yes, you will now be able to recall messages that you didn’t mean to send, and the ability to mark a message thread as unread so you can come back to it later.

There’s a few other cool updates like easier ways to share pictures with family but the big takeaway is being able to get back a text message, you maybe didn’t mean to send after a drunk night out! Where was THIS back in the day?!

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