Can Coffee Lower Your Risk Of Getting COVID-19?

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Do you drink coffee each morning and want to hear the best news ever?

Well, it turns out, one study shows that regular consumption of coffee may be linked to a lower risk of COVID-19. Here's what we know:

Regular coffee consumption of at least one cup daily was associated with a lower risk of COVID-19 infection! This is stemming from an analysis of nearly 40,000 participants in the U.K.

After adjusting for factors like race, age, sex and other factors like physical activity, BMI level and history of certain medical conditions, researchers found "habitual consumption of 1 or more cups of coffee per day was associated with about a 10% decrease in risk of COVID-19 compared to less than 1 cup/day."

So now we ask whyyyy... and howwww?

Well, coffee contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and that helps against COVID-19 severity. So drink up! The study shows that being a regular coffee drinker especially helped with the "severity and mortality" of COVID. So even if you drink coffee every morning and do happen to get COVID, the coffee drinking may help you from getting too bad a case of COVID.

Further findings suggested daily consumption of vegetables reduced risk of coronavirus infection too so eat your veggies while you’re at it! DUHHH! You can read more about this study here.

Basically, stay caffeinated, keep up your healthy habits, and you will stay healthy from COVID - right?

Of course, I would also suggest getting vaccinated if you have yet to, as the new variant has become more popular and we are watching closely on the infection rates around the country. It's been so nice to feel like things are returning to normal, so stay safe out there and let's enjoy the normalcy we have had!

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Photo: Getty Images

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