Couple Finds Baby On The Subway, Now He's Their Adopted Son

Here's today's feel-good story:

Danny Stewart was on his way to a dinner date with his partner, Pete Mercurio, in August of 2000 when he noticed a suspicious bundle on a New York City subway platform that he thought was a doll.

He then realized it wasn't a doll, and that it was a newborn baby. Danny found a payphone to alert the police, who came to take the baby into their custody.

“I remember turning to Danny and saying to him on the sidewalk as the police car was driving away, ‘You know, you’re going to be connected to that baby in some way for the rest of your life,’” Mercurio said. “Danny was like, ‘What do you mean?’ I said, ‘Well, eventually, this child is going to learn of the night he was found and he may want to find the person who discovered him. Maybe there’s a way that we can find out where he ends up and send a birthday gift every year on this date?’”

After attending a hearing in family court to provide testimony on how he found the infant, the judge asked Danny if he would be interested in adopting the boy.

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