The Publication Of 6 Dr. Seuss Books Will End For Being Racist!

Dr. Seuss Enterprises just announced they will stop the publication of six Dr. Seuss books due to it being racist and having insensitive imagery. The books affected are “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!,” and “The Cat’s Quizzer.” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement,

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families. Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles."

While Dr. Seuss is beloved by millions all over the world, over the past few years the books have received a lot of criticism due to some of the illustrations. One of the more popular books that has received a lot of criticism is “The Cat in the Hat," but it will continue to be published for now. However, Dr. Seuss Enterprises said they are "committed to listening and learning and will continue to review our entire portfolio.”

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