This Candle Smells Like The Most Memorable Scents Of 2020

If I told you that you could buy a candle that encompasses multiple different scents that really sum up the year of 2020, would you be rushing to the stores (or website) to buy one?!

One novelty candle company based in England, called Flaming Crap, has created a multi-layered candle called the "2020 scent" which has four “quintessential aromas” inspired by the events and reality of our current year.

The scents, which burn through one at a time, are: banana bread, hand sanitizer, woody musks, and finally “budget aftershave and earthy essence."

The banana bread scent is pretty self-explanatory... remember when literally everyone was baking banana bread just to get through quarantine? And the hand sanitizer is obviously a pretty clear choice as well.

But the woody musk? That, along with the budget aftershave and the earthy essence are supposed to remind you of that time in March when all we ever did was watch and talk about Tiger King on Netflix.

So, yes, Joe Exotic himself makes an appearance in the 2020 scent candle.

The co-founder of Flaming Crap, Oliver Burr said: “Many people have mixed feelings about this year, it’s been tough on many levels, but others valued their time in lockdown... Our candle is reminiscent and a reminder of some of this year’s most prominent themes, and a completely unique gift this festive period."

If you could add any scent to the 2020 scent candle what would you add? I think for me, personally, I would add the scent of my new favorite grocery store (yes, that's a thing that I'm excited about in 2020) and something that sums up all the time at home with the twins... maybe like the scent of clean sheets since we got their their big kid beds this year!

Either way, if you need a gift for a (virtual?) white elephant, or just the perfect gift for your quarantine partner, this is totally it.

What scent would YOU add to the candle to make it the perfect 2020 scent?? Yap me below!

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Photo: Getty Images

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