#LIFE | Have a plan...

I was talking to my therapist this week about some things which were on my mind this week.

No, it wasn't the election.

Change has been the constant during 2020. Life, as it is, is not guaranteed, and neither are things which come along in this life. In fact, given the drama of 2020, the pandemic, and everything, I'd say that the only constant will continue to be change for a while.

Do you have a plan for what happens... when change comes?

If you find that the job you once had - is no more - what is your plan B in the short term? The long term?

Will you stay where you are? Will you retreat someplace to rest and refocus and recharge? Where will that be? Do you have a plan for healthcare, to cover the family through COBRA or whatnot?

Do you have irons in the fire to prepare you to get back into the ring?

Are you ready to move to get back to doing what you love?

What if you are going to walk away from it all... have you thought about going back to school to perfect new skills or discover new passions which can help you to redefine who you are?

Take a few minutes now, even if you think everything is fine - or will be fine - to make a plan...

... just in case. Because 2020 isn't over yet... and peace of mind is a much better strategy than "you just never know..."

I'm thinking about you and your families. I hope you are healthy, and well...

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