Watch: Fish with Eerie Human-Like Face Caught in Thailand

A fisherman in Thailand was aghast when he reeled in a catch that sported an eerie human-like face that appeared to be sad about its fate. The weird denizen of the deep was reportedly caught by Prasert Shookul earlier this week as he was trying to snag some blue crabs from the Andaman Sea. Upon pulling in his net to see how he fared, the fishermen was stunned to a fish with "a face like an ugly, frowning human" staring back at him.

The sight was so unsettling that Shookul actually considered tossing both the fish and the net that delivered it back into the water. Instead, however, he opted to bring the creature back to his village in the hopes that someone could identify it, but not even the community elders had ever seen such a thing. Although the fish perished by the time he reached his residence, Shookul was still uneasy about the creature, explaining that "I did not dare to cook it for myself or anybody else. It was so weird."

More on this story at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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