Randoms-How Often we argue about Food, Horror Character that Keeps you Up!


  • International Internet Day: Otherwise known as Thursday.
  • National Cat Day: A good day to adopt a kitty.
  • National Oatmeal Day: Did you start your morning off right?
  • National Hermit Day: Are you someone who prefers to be alone? How much alone time are we talking? Has the pandemic made you more of an introvert?
  • World Stroke Day: Do you know the signs? Here’s how to spot a stroke FAST: Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time to call 911.


Can’t say this is surprising …A new survey by streaming service Tubi found that a third of respondents had already watched at least one holiday movie this year. Some began watching as early as August and September. And with all the stress and uncertainty right now, it’s easy to understand why: 72% of those surveyed said watching holiday movies brings them comfort. 64% said they are looking forward to the holidays more than ever this year. (SWNS)

Food fights …Do you argue with your partner over where to eat or what to order? A survey by Panera Bread revealed that the average couple argues 156 times a year over where to order dinner from and gets in a fight three times a week over where to eat. It takes the average couple 17 minutes to finally make a decision about where to get dinner and what to order while 16% will take 30 minutes or more to decide. And the arguing doesn’t stop when the decision is made … 32% end up fighting about who’s going to be the one to pick up the food.

How are you dealing with election stress? A new Harris poll found that 65% of respondents are stressed over the upcoming election, with 48% saying that are more stressed about this election than those in the past. And how are they coping with the stress? 46% of those surveyed say they’ll be eating junk food – pizza in particular – as results come in. Others say they will be drinking to get them through election night. 26% say they’ll be drinking beer, 23% will be drinking wine, 15% will be hitting the hard stuff, and 13% say they will be reaching for “cannabis products.” (NY Post)

What horror movie character still keeps you up at night? Research of the Most Popular Horror Movie Villain by State revealed that the most searched horror movie villain is Frankenstein's monster.

Here are the most searched horror movie characters:

  1. Frankenstein’s monster
  2. Ghostface from theScreammovies
  3. Chucky
  4. Alien
  5. Norman Bates fromPsycho
  6. Pennywise fromItmovies
  7. Leatherface from theTexas Chainsaw Massacre movies
  8. Carrie
  9. Hannibal Lecter fromSilence of the Lambs
  10. Jack Torrance fromThe Shining
  11. Dracula

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