Randoms-Nat'l Boss's Day, What Really Bugs You. Election Stress, & More


  • World Food Day
  • Dictionary Day
  • National Boss’s Day: Lots of people complain about their boss, but there are some good ones out there – and today seems like a good day to show them some love. Do you have a great boss? What makes them so great?


Hashtag Roundup …Time for some Friday fun …#WhatReallyBugsMe

Some responses:

  • Going to bed tired and waking up tired.
  • That 2020 isn’t over yet.
  • Driving away from the drive-thru without ketchup packets.
  • Waiting in line.
  • When my hubby calls me Carol in bed. I’m not Carol.
  • People who say that one product is just like another. "Pepsi tastes just like Coke." No ... no it doesn't!
  • Asking me a question, but not listening to my answer.
  • Christmas decorations up before Halloween is even over.
  • Parents in restaurants who ignore their screaming kids and never look up from their phones.
  • People who bite their utensils.
  • Double dipping.
  • Peanut butter encrusted knives left in the sink.
  • How much I am turning into my dad every day.

Working from home is quickly becoming working from anywhere …A new survey by Airbnb of work-from-homers found that 60% want to spend some time working from somewhere other than their homes. And no surprise – their ideal destinations are near water. 37% want to work at a place near the ocean and 18% want to rent a place by a lake. The survey found that 54% are looking for a change of scenery, and 29% said a new location would make them more creative. 19% said they wanted to stay somewhere closer to friends and family. (The Sun)

Speaking of working from anywhere …First it was Ferris wheels as restaurants, and now … offices. Remote workers are being lured to an amusement park in Tokyo, which promises free WiFi and the opportunity to use a Ferris wheel car as your office desk. Talk about a change of scenery. For just $18, work-from-home employees have full access to work from anywhere in the park -- including on the Ferris wheel. And the best part? After quitting time, anyone who worked remotely at the park gets full access to all the other attractions. (Daily Motion)

Is the election stressing you out?Maybe it’s time to live under a rock for a while.Hotels.comis offering a five-night stay in a room under a rock, in a cave about 50 feet underground in New Mexico. The website says the room is perfect for "those who are experiencing election stress disorder" -- and it costs just $5 a night. 

Speaking of stress …Nature really helps lift your mood -- even if you’re just watching it on TV. Researchers at theUniversity of Exeterin the UK found that watching nature programs not only made people happier – but it also significantly reduced feelings of boredom.

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