Zac Brown Band percussionist makes face shields our of drum heads

When Zac Brown Band cancelled their world tour in March of 2020, percussionist Daniel de los Reyes found himself with a lot of free time on his hands. He also had a lot of drumheads he had been collecting for the 2020 tour that he wouldn't be using. So he found a way to put them to good use to help others.

Early on in the pandemic, Danny kept hearing the same thing we all did, that there was a severe demand and shortage of face shields for frontline workers and first responders. He noticed that the plastic shields looked similar to the plastic on his drum heads he played. He started experimenting and figured out a way to transform them into the valuable full face protective gear. He soon recruited his family to become an assembly line making them and donated them to first responders in his home town of Fayetteville, GA.

As the months went by and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) became more available to those who needed it, he shifted his focus to his other family, the musicians! He then came up with the idea for The Mini Shield! It's a smaller, clear shield that comfortably covers your nose and mouth allowing people to see your expressions while protecting you. Danny has now teamed up with Ganassi Racing to increase production at the new company Mini-Shield USA

Do n't worry, he still has plenty of drum heads left to entertain us with once we get back to live performances!

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