German University Awarding Scholarships for "Doing Nothing"

A German university is awarding scholarships for “doing nothing”-- and all students have to do to get the money is answer what they won't do and why.

To apply, students must answer four questions

What do you want not to do?

How long do you want not to do it for?

Why is it important not to do this particular thing?

Why are you the right person not to do it?

Clearly, this scholarship has been partly inspired by the lack of activity during the pandemic.

  • So … Where are you at?
  • Has your ambition faded away a bit? A lot?
  • Are you still hard charging with all your goals?
  • Or… Do you admit you’ve REALLY taken your foot off the gas pedal over the past few months?
  • Any regrets? Guilt? Do you wish you were more ambitious these days?

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