NHL Announces Postponement Of Thursday And Friday Playoff Games

The NHL and Players Association have announced the postponement of the playoff games scheduled for today and Friday.

See rescheduled dates/times here.

The statement released by NHL Public Relations says:

"After much discussion, NHL Players believe that the best course of action would be to take a step back and not play tonight’s and tomorrow’s games as scheduled. The NHL supports the Players’ decision and will reschedule those four games beginning Saturday and adjust the remainder of the Second Round schedule accordingly."

"Black and Brown communities continue to face real, painful experiences. The NHL and NHLPA recognize that much work remains to be done before we can play an appropriate role in a discussion centered on diversity, inclusion and social justice."

"We understand that the tragedies involving Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others require us to recognize this moment. We pledge to work to use our sport to influence positive change in society."

Read the complete statement at NHL.com.

Photo: Getty Images

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