Jimmy Fallon Wrote A New Children's Book About Christmas

For those of us who celebrate Christmas in our homes, we know how exciting the days leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas are.

And when you have kids, those days leading up become even MORE exciting. I'm just starting to experience that excitement of counting down to Christmas with the kids as they get older and understand more.

For Jimmy Fallon, he loves Christmas, and those days leading up to it SO much that he decided to combine his love for the holiday, his kids, and children's books to write a new children's book: 5 More Sleeps Til' Christmas.

Jimmy chatted about his inspiration for the book with PEOPLE, sharing where his original love of Christmas came from: his mother.

"As my mother always said, 'Now that the 4th of July is over, it's time to start thinking about Christmas.' It's always been my favorite time of year, but those last few days were the biggest test of my patience."

Jimmy also has previously spoken about how much having kids - he has two daughters with his wife Nancy, Winnie Rose, 6, and Frances Cole, 5 - has changed his life.

Speaking about fatherhood he said, "It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me... You realize what’s important in life. Every single day you realize there's a new cute thing they're doing or saying."

He continued on: "They fill up my phone memory with photos. I'm just taking these pictures that no one else wants to see... No other stranger cares that your kid ate an artichoke, but you think it's the best story ever. No it's not. It's boring."

If you have been following Jimmy's show since the coronavirus pandemic hit, you know that he often incorporates his daughters into the show.

The new children's book will be available October 27th of this year, so you can get it before Christmas and get the kids excited!!

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Photo: Getty Images

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